[The Dreamlands]

Kneecapper would, given half a chance, beat Isaac senseless without question. That part of the reason why Bats sent Isaac inside, so he won't be within throttling range until the dunter has had a chance to calm down a bit. The creature is ill-tempered enough that he would probably give Isaac a sound thrashing whether he belongs to Bats or not, consequences be damned. After all, dunters aren't exactly known for being polite company.

Tim is still bouncing on his toes, looking quite excited as his tail sways back and forth behind him. He's got no shoes to speak of, despite the fact that the rest of his clothing is well cared for. His feet are all tough and grubby, and his toes look like they're right at the edge of trying to decide whether or not they want to start being hooves instead. The more Isaac looks, the more he'll be able to find that's off about the child. Though that might have something to do with him having a weak version of a bugbears aura of horror and he isn't sure how to turn it off yet. So instead of being horrifying he's endearingly creepy like a goofy Halloween decoration.

"Ah, I'm not worried about the thorns. Bats told me what they do, but you just have to keep a stiff upper lip! They pull at your memories, she says, but there's ways to hang onto 'em that Bats taught me and they work great! You just have to spend some time every day thinking about what your old home was like, even if your old home was rubbish like mine. And think about homey things like what you ate for breakfast instead of fanciful things like how funny hedley-kows are," the boy replies brightly. "Your real name isn't really Izzy, is it? Bats says that fae stealing your name is umm... prop... prop-pa-gan-da by the Sidhe to make people forget who they were faster. I'm Timothy Abbott, at least that's what the headmistress said me real mum named me 'fore she died. And I've told that to plenty of fae right to their face and you can see 'em flinch because they know they won't be able to turn your brains to mud 'cuz you know who you are!"


That seems against conventional wisdom when it comes to dealing with fae. But maybe that's what they want people to believe?

"I'll be a great bugbear some day, just like me mum is. And I'll go collect kids like me that no one wanted and teach them how to live in the Dreamlands instead of living in a soggy shanty in an alley. It'll be brilliant!"

Ah, youthful enthusiasm.

"What was it like where you grew up? Did you live in that big city up in the air with all the bright lights?"

As they speak the cart rattles a bit. Sounds like they're heading off.