Quote Originally Posted by Cheesegear View Post
The difference is that the crew have 3 Wounds. It's not enough, unless you're bringing two or something.

The Engineer costs more points (80) or Cogsmith (100), and the Cannons immediately get shafted when the model with 5+ Armour dies. Which he should. Your opponent is going to focus down that Engineer something fierce, if they know what they're doing.

I wouldn't be so sure that anyone even has one unless they were already playing Dwarfs from before. I was playing Dwarfs since 5th (?) and I don't even have one.
You have to bring a Leader anyway, so their cost isn't really that important and if he's hanging at the back with the cannons, he's not going to get mulched.

All 3 people who play dwarves up here have at least 2 of each type of dwarven artillery, minimum. Everyone has multiple flame cannons, so I just assumed that was standard proceedure.

Regardless, I'm going to maintain that hoarde armies suck until shown otherwise, so I'll try and stop raining on everyone's parade with my complaints.