
Healing Tanner and the other one could wait. For now, a scheme was hatching in Petaba's mind. The crew looked restless with the departure of the most likely fighters from the newcomers. Petaba steps forward, but still armed and armored, clearly not intending to fight.

"Comrades and otherwise, do not be disappointed! Your entertainment has not yet departed. No, not at all! You see, our mighty combatants must refresh themselves for taking on such a mighty fighter as your own Owlbear! Look at this giant of a man, his fearsome visage! Who among you would want to fight such a man without being prepared in both mind and body? And would you rather see a scuffle on this floor, two men simply grabbing at each other like children with one exhausted and the other chained, or would you like to see a proper fight?" Petaba steps up onto a nearby barrel, making sure everyone can see him. "I tell you now, with but a moment, you will see the most spectacular fight you've seen yet on this ship. You've seen him about, making wicked comments. You even saw him set fire to grog on his first night here! A man of extraordinary violence and foul temper, who will give you a true show. You will see the fighting strength of Jarred the Dragon!"