Catrina is more than a little shaken as the 6th dawn breaks over the Wormwood. The sudden an unexpected punishment of the night before followed by the firm rebuff from 'the Badger' has left her doubting herself and her abilities more than ever before. As such, when sent to catch rats with Thysh, Catrina doesn't even register her small friend's presence until they're both belowdecks. There, she uncomfortably begins to ease back into her usually-flippant banter, despite the occasional awkward interruption of passing runners.

At the end of the day, a few handfuls of rats get tied into a bag and dumped over the rails, eliciting a begrudging nod of acceptance from the first mate. He seems to like quiet Catrina; the realization draws an irritated scowl to the girl's face.

Eyes wide with both apprehension and a bit of sympathy, Catrina visibly shakes her head to the negative at Pluggs 'offer.' Hells bells! He'd rip my damned arms off for real!

Her expression waxes a hair more concerned until Petaba steps forward to make his declaration. Catrina looks confused for a moment, as if trying to consider Petaba's intentions, before melding into a confident smirk. She doesn't raise her voice, but mutters to herself, "That aughta be fun to watch..."