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Thread: 3SC's Skull & Shackles IC

  1. - Top - End - #247
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Re: 3SC's Skull & Shackles IC

    Scaled barbarian

    As the bodies fell to the deck and were moved aside, the beast watched with little emotion. It looked about, wondering where dinner was, when The long haired one arrived and issued a challenge. The scaled beast turned to gauge the chained man, an eager light in its eyes. Before it could step forward, however, the red haired one touched its arm, whispering in the gutter language. Glaring at the red-hair, the beast hissed in frustration... but reluctantly grabbed the weak one by the belt and threw the body over its shoulder. Stomping to the cots, the lizard tossed the man onto one of the beds. It looked around for items of interest for a moment, then returned to the main deck.

    It arrived just as the red head was stepping forward into the ring. Growling, it moved forward to watch, shoving aside those in its way (interestingly enough, those that already didn't care for the lizard). The battle was swift and bloody, and at the end, the red hair was victorious. The lizard watched for a moment, then turned back to the food and grog. Moving to the barefooted woman, the beast used her to hide an attempt to drop its grog overboard.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Trying to avoid the grog ... with help! Stealth vs DC12 - (1d20+4)[10]

    Spoiler: Status
    HPs: 8/13
    AC: 12
    F +3 R +1 W +1
    Perception +6; Sense Motive +0
    Effects: Grog! -1 Con

    EDIT: And that should end Hiss' time on the ship ...
    Last edited by Starbin; 2016-07-14 at 07:39 PM.
    Life is ... life. As always bot/cut as necessary.
    DM: "Why do you have so many characters?"
    Me: "Because I never embraced the strategic value of running away."

    Fare thee well, N_R ... you will missed!y