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Thread: 3SC's Skull & Shackles IC

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Default Re: 3SC's Skull & Shackles IC

    Kana sputtered and scowled as the half-orc's healing magic surged through her. She used a forearm to clear the blood from her mouth while cursing in Druidic.

    Spoiler: In Druidic
    By the scrotum of Tamoreus'. Forgot the sting.

    She turned her scowl to the Red-hair "You look like sh!t, someone else's blood I'm guessing? And sh!t on being a cook's mate, name's Kana. No more a cook's mate then that boozing whale blubber pretending to be a cook" Despite her complaints she hungrily wolfs down most of the food he brings her. She grimaces at the chewiness of the dam stuff. Too much gristle to gnaw through. "F!cking Kroop was sh!ttered on rum and cassie."

    After finishing her meal she moves over to Lodan and heals him by placing a hand on his whipping wounds. As the Red-hair repeats himself, Kanna goes back to chewing the fat off some gristle. Cant see much strength in getting your @ss kicked. The irony of the thought is not lost on the druid. Still. He'd owe me I suppose.

    After the Red-hair leaves to go back up to the topside noise, Kana warily eyes Lodan from across the room, taking his face and arms in for the second time in two days. She turns back to the bone and hunches over it, as if to guard it. After peeling the last bit of gristle from it she looks up at him again and realizes she's staring at him. "So. Wana f!ck?"

    Spoiler: OOC

    Cure light wounds on Lodan: (1d8+1)[9]
    I can roll for Petaba's CLW as well if need be.
    Last edited by n0ble; 2016-07-15 at 04:32 PM.