Catrina stands by, smirking confidently as the uneasier brute faces off against her brother. A flicker of uncertainty- no, sympathy? passes over her face as the hulk clearly demonstrates reluctance. The surprise that marks most of the crew's expressions is conspicuously absent from Catrina's- as she is at least passingly familiar with her brother's abilities.

Later in the evening, after dinner has been distributed, Catrina joins her brother in revelry at his success. "Perhaps they'll think twice about provoking you in the future!" she offers as an exclamation.

She raises her voice after dinner, calling to Rosie, "Cusswell! Do you know 'The Gorgon's Bride?'" The fiddler strikes a tune, and Catrina joins in- lending a rough but naturally pleasant voice to the tune.

Spoiler: Grog and night action

(1d20+6)[20] vs DC 12 sleight of hand to ditch the booze.
(1d20+3)[13] untrained perform (sing) to assist Jarred or entertain the pirates.