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Thread: 3SC's Skull & Shackles IC

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: 3SC's Skull & Shackles IC

    Catrina, Jarred, Lodan, Petaba, Thysh

    One week. One full week ago today, you awoke to Scourge's ugly mug over you. And today is further proof that life aboard the Wormwood is not likely to change all that quickly. Despite your best efforts - or perhaps in spite of them - you can see several of the officers cracking down even harder on the rank and file of the ship this bright morning. Badger Medlar, one of your fellow swabs, has been personally requisitioned by Peppery Longfarthing, the ship's mage, to 'help in an experiement' in her laboratory cabin, leaving you short-staffed. And although the bilges have been cleaned, it would appear that yesterday's brume has stained much of the main deck and several sections of the gunwales. As such, Master Scourge has assigned the majority of you with swabbing the decks, along with Crimson Cogward, Aretta Bansion, and Fipps Chumlett. The latter pair mostly keep to themselves, not wanting to infringe on what is increasingly becoming your entourage's majority aboard the ship. Scourge is not shy about looming over you, however, his evil eyes always going back to rest on Thysh. "... looking forward to the Bloody Hour," you can hear the thin man mutter under his breath.

    Indeed, given the ever-increasing popularity of both Catrina and Jarred, it's hard to see any unfriendly faces on the ship, aside from your taskmasters. Most of the swabs and even a few of the riggers, are quick to clap both of the red-headed sailors on the back for a most entertaining evening, with extra praise going to the sorcerer for his brutal bout with the Owlbear. Scourge is more than happy to assign the victor of last night's melee with carrying messages around the ship's decks, saying that 'such a hardy man can surely withstand a little exercise'. Jarred is accompanied only by Rosie Cusswell, the halfling doing her level best to keep up on her shorter legs and cursing Scourge out colorfully throughout the work shift. As for Catrina, she is silently handed the same bucket that she's been given the past few days, as the bosun grins at her through yellowed teeth.


    Plugg awaits you on the deck when you arrive after eating the pitiful excuse for morning rations; the first mate is in conversation with a second party, a thin blonde man with an excess of knives. "Just make sure Krine's ready to take them out soon, Kipper. Can't have us an unprepared crew when the captain catches up with his prize," the cloaked first mate says to his associate. 'Kipper' simply nods, giving you a long and even look before darting away towards the back of the ship. Plugg points noncommittally at several unruly messes of tack, not to mention a few piles of lines. You are no stranger to the task ahead.

    "Come on then, you great scaly beast! These ropes aren't going to coil themselves up!" Looking around, you can see a few other members of the crew nearby, gathering their holystones and starting to swab the decks. At least you will not be alone today.


    Although last night's 'activities' were certainly a change from the first span of evenings as the cook's mate, the morning brings the same task. Kroop snores loudly from where he lies amidst strewn pots and pans, waking only to confuse your face with that of Grok. Apparently, the man has completely lost track of his surroundings, and believes you to be the very same quartermaster. His chickens cluck loudly, demanding to be fed... and they're not the only ones. Although the breakfast biscuits have all been delivered, you know that if you do not want a repeat of last night's lashings, you will need to do better today.

    You notice that Grok stands not far away, rifling through her stores with a small logbook in hand. The half-orc looks distinctly troubled, but does not take the time to speak to you, as she appears to be taking an in-depth inventory of her things. Given the shop's immediate proximity to the galley, it's hard not to get in each others' way, but you'll have to manage; Grok looks distinctly displeased about something. Asking her about it seems... unwise, to say the least, and you have meals to prepare.
    Last edited by 3SecondCultist; 2017-01-07 at 09:00 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeno Desaqqara View Post
    You divine bastard.

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