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Thread: 3SC's Skull & Shackles IC

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Default Re: 3SC's Skull & Shackles IC

    Kana had woken up on the lower deck right next to Lodan, accidentally elbowing him in the face in an effort to try and get away from his prone form. "Sh!t." She started off at a half walk , hoisting up her britches and doing her armour up again as she did. Sh!t sh!t sh!t. Her profanity isn't just borne out of a need to get topside as quickly as she can. She didn't really want to think about the night before. Cant afford to with things to do. 'Sides, man might be able to swing a sword but his mutton daggerwork could use some practice The thought is accompanied by a vague feeling of accomplishment. It goes some ways towards cheering her up a little bit as she makes her way topside to receive orders.

    Anything resembling happiness is extinguished when she finds Kroop insensibly drunk again. Any number of expletives and violent thoughts cross her mind as she sets about trying to clean up the pots and pans. The day is much in the same as the last for her, to the point that she barely cares about the half-orcs presence. Instead she silently fumes through the assigned duties Wonder that this sack of blubber doesnt get whipped. F!cker deserves it. By the Lusca her scars itched. It didn't help that whatever was in the bilges was back as well, as minute sparks flicked in between her fingers as she did the dishes.

    The Red-hair found her at a good time, after she's done the all the dishes and was feeding the birds. Kana gave a shrug that somehow seemed tense "Sh!tty. But what isn't on this boat." She nods in the direction of the cook, now sitting in a chair with a rough blanket draped over his sides. "Second time this week." She gave another shrug at his question, first question "Grok was in here earlier lookin over some sort o' stat book. Seemed like sh!ts gone missing from her lockup"
    Last edited by n0ble; 2016-07-16 at 04:43 PM.