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Thread: 3SC's Skull & Shackles IC

  1. - Top - End - #263
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Re: 3SC's Skull & Shackles IC

    Scaled barbarian

    When beckoned, the creature walked up and stood silently, eyes staring blankly as it waited for the long-hair to speak. The last bit of conversation caught its attention, however, eyes narrowing at the human with numerous knives. It starred unblinkingly as the human hurried past, then turned back to the long-hair. It seemed piling ropes was the task for the day.

    While coiling and stacking ropes into piles, the lizard seemed distracted, eyeing the people around it more. Every other day, the beast had been above the deck - today, it was surrounded by multiple moving figures. At a few points during the day, the creature would approach it's working companion, Ratline, hissing a number of times and pointing at the ropes. Rudimentary, but it should have been obvious the creature was reaching out ... albeit somewhat menacing.

    When the red-hair ran by at one point, pausing to nod at the black-scaled creature, it hissed at him. Once the man swaggered over with a grin and a greeting, the lizard was silent for a moment. Then glancing around, it leaned forward and hissed again, but this time with a series of harsh guttural sounds, just loud enough for the red-hair to hear.

    Spoiler: Draconic
    "Ware ssselvesss ... ssssomething planned by long-hair ... Kippper and Krine ... watch themssss ..."

    Spoiler: OOC
    So working normal to influence Rat-boy.
    Dex vs DC10 - (1d20+2)[10] = more lashes, I'm sure!
    Intimidate vs Rat - (1d20+12)[13] .. +4 size difference, maybe?
    EDIT: Seriously? I'm getting really tired of this +12 bonus being pointless more often than not.
    Spoiler: Status
    HPs: 14/14
    AC: 12
    F +4 R +1 W +1
    Perception +6; Sense Motive +0
    Effects: none yet
    Last edited by Starbin; 2016-07-17 at 02:42 PM.
    Life is ... life. As always bot/cut as necessary.
    DM: "Why do you have so many characters?"
    Me: "Because I never embraced the strategic value of running away."

    Fare thee well, N_R ... you will missed!y