Jarred waits and watches as the Bloody Hour seems to go out with a whimper, his face showing distrust and concern. "Something is very wrong here..." he mumbles to no one in particular as dinner starts. After taking a bowl of the...food... he makes a face and continues, "Well, something else is wrong, other than tonight's meal. I was worried about Kana and Kroop today - I guess no one was able to get free to help them..." He eats halfheartedly but takes none of the grog yet, just in case he can avoid it tonight. He is disappointed that his ally and the cook are whipped, but waits to help until after seeing if either of them pass out from the ordeal.

When Plugg finally appears and makes his announcement Jarred stays seated, shock and disbelief on his face. As the ropes are brought, Thysh tied, and the punishment begun he stays still as a stone, watching in stunned silence. As she finally goes beneath the waves he mutters, "Maybe if one of us had messed with the ropes...Yeah, next time..." and nods resolutely.