When her name is called, Thysh hands her deck of cards to Catrina and moves to the bow, lifting her arms to make it easier to tie her. Her face is largely untroubled by any sadness or fear, instead she in consumed by the will to somehow survive. Whatever alcoholic urge drove her to action last night is now replaced by the urge to defy fate and live through this experience. After all, she had been planning on being keel-hauled at some point, today was just sooner and less prepared-for than expected.

When they leave her arms untied, she stifles a sigh of relief. This might be doable after all... As she is lowered towards the water, she breathes a quick prayer and request to one of her favorite sea-goddesses, and feels the rush of a divine answer just as her head would otherwise be covered by the waves. An air-bubble around her face will let her channel healing magic as required, giving her a much better fighting chance.

She manages to turn her back to the hull, to protect anything vital, but the barnacles drag along her spine, shredding skin and muscle. The pain is almost overwhelming, but she keeps her head well enough to keep a grasp on her magic, at least for a time...