Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post
I think we both know where this is going. You're running around your room frantically putting things away, when the door opens quietly. "Akira, Nami thought you might want some melon bread, so I brought some up to...HOLY HELL IS THAT A GUN?!!" Yep, that's Hiro. What a nosy guy, didn't anybody ever teach him to knock first, sheesh? So, what do you do?
Well ****.

"Yeah, and I'm freaking out about it! Keep your voice down!" I hiss as I push the door shut behind him, quickly deciding that lying is the best strategy.

"I met a contact who claimed he could hack Mizuho Bank's mobile app. Guy was a creep! Made me take it before he'd talk to me, thought it was funny or something!" I fake an involuntary shudder.

"Now I'm not sure what to do with it! I can't exactly go to the police! 'Where did you get this illegal weapon? Meeting a criminal? Oh! You're Hitomi-sensei's daughter!'" I wave the gun in an exasperated manner before tossing it onto the bed as though it disgusts me.

"Look, you can't tell anyone about this, I'm dealing with it! Mother already treats me as if I'm made of glass, can you imagine what she'd be like if she knew what some of my contacts are like? It would be impossible! If you tell anyone you'll owe me!"

This sounds a lot like Persuade an NPC, right?