Quote Originally Posted by Xiander View Post
I picked up this game a few days sgo, and I am having fun, but man is it dificult to figure out what to do.
I have managed to get to Ceres, but I am having a hard time unlocking the relay to the next planey.
meanwhile i set upon the task of craftin a Frost warframe. I am having fun with my volt, but i bet it pays off to diversify. I have all the bluprints and parts, except the plastids. and man is it a slow grind to farm those on phobos. I am only lacking 250. But that is still at least hours of grind.

any tips to the new warframe in the playground?
Do you have access to Saturn? I usually farm for plastids there.

One of these days I need to farm up more void fissure fragment things; I only have one more chance to get the Paris Prime grip. Is there a particular mission type that people like for hitting fissures? Exterminate have been the easiest for me between having the total number of enemies in the mission limited so I don't get swarmed by hundreds of regular enemies while I'm working on it and the tendency of the enemies in, say, sabotage to not drop reactant (I've failed at least 3 because it just wouldn't drop).

In other random news, I've decided that if DE adds any more sniper rifles to the game I'm going to level them up with Banshee. Passive silence is glorious for stealth gameplay. As hilarious as it is to walk up behind someone and shotgun him in the back of the head at point-blank without alerting his buddy that's 10 feet away, there are times when I would like to not be in the middle of the fray and the weapons I'm leveling now (Hek and Tysis) don't really give me good long range options.