"Huh. I thought it was meant to look like a shark. Anyway, it's neat."

Alexis leans in and reads the description.
"Says if you touch it it'll come off the stand at night and track you down. Not why."

There's a tall bronze piece, a muscled warrior fighting off a pack of toddlers. Supposedly prevents fires.
A large rowan-wood sculpture of a weasel with a battleaxe in its mouth. 'Unknown abjuration magic'
A marble judge holding out a pair of scales. His eyes are definitely following you around the room.
A little glass snake in a larger glass case. 'Venemous, DO NOT TOUCH'. Oddly enough, it depicts a normally harmless corn snake.
A battered but easily recognizable Magtok seemingly assembled out of junkyard trash. 'Touch for good luck'.

And another curtain separating it from another room with other such things.