"A force multiplier," Grimmgang said with a nod at Daros's assessment of Xaxhan's frostsong. They had used it to great effect with just a group of four, in a confrontation with dozens of combatants it should prove downright devastating. "Guess we can work on those terms. I've spent forty years at war, a campaign lasting perhaps a couple weeks on a far-removed exotic continent almost sounds like a vacation." His smirk didn't quite qualify as mirthless, but it certainly wasn't an expression of genuine joy either. "So I guess the question is whether our reluctant prince is reluctant enough to rather go dragon hunting or porting into the middle of an enemy army."

Don't think the repeated mention of a looming constellation is a coincidence, but I can't see any reason for our characters to believe it has anything to do with them apart from the possibility of our arrival having been prophesied.