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Thread: New Freedom City: Shadows in Southside

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Sacramento, CA

    Default Re: New Freedom City: Shadows in Southside

    I suppose. Those extreme sports places must get it from somewhere. Couldn't tell you now much it costs. I didn't buy most of my gear. What I didn't make I um, acquired. Y'know, without paying. Or permission. Quiver Queen includes the telepathic equivalent of an uncomfortable cough and staring at her shoes in her mental message, but it's quickly overshadowed by her enthusiasm. Um, but sure! I'd love to! That sounds like fun! Kate winces and hold stock still as the others come clanging in, but there is clearly some sort of just and loving deity on their side at the moment, because the mobsters actually pull the "it's just a bird" and wander off. She lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding in. If I saw that in a movie, I wouldn't buy it. These guys are dim bulbs. Unless you see the bird, it's never 'just a bird,' or a cat, or the wind or whatever.

    Kate's devil-may-care attitude reasserts itself as the VIP arrives. All right, now we're getting a crowd. What are we up to? Let's hear the speech, big boss. I need an audio recorder. I'm betting this is going to be chalk full of incriminating goodies.
    Last edited by Red_Jenny; 2016-08-04 at 07:59 AM.