I liked the opening ceremonies alright. Not as elaborate as some I've seen in the past (looking at you, China), but it told the story of Brazil fairly well and had an uplifting spirit to it all. Big dance party. Lots of fun. I really liked the idea they had of planting tree seeds, and I hope the 'athlete's forest' grows strong over the years.

There was quite a mean comment made by Matt Lauer to Meredith Viera during the parade of nations. He said that Philip II of Mecedon had won some awards in the ancient Olympics, and Meredith had been there to cover it, implying she was that old. Very mean spirited and out of character for Lauer. I've watch him on TV for years, and lost a bit of respect for him at that moment. I wonder if someone else wrote the joke.

The laurel award they gave to the gentleman from Kenya (I can't recall his name) was a nice touch. Very uplifting and in the spirit of the olympics. The speech the head of the olympic committee was nice, if simple, but when you have to translate it into like 3 different languages, simple is good.

I'm looking forward to the events. Swimming's always a favorite in our house. Gymnastic's usually good. If I can catch the fencing that would be great. And my fiance's family is looking forward to the Judo competition (his dad's a coach).

I really hope things go relatively smoothly. I really, truly love the olympics and all of the good it represents. I'd hate for anything bad to happen that would mar that reputation.