
So that's a... er... left up ahead? Or is it a right? Stupid maps. Why is everywhere you want to go right on the folds?

In the city (probably) a young woman is fighting with a paper map, and losing. Her long, blue twin tails tugged by the errant breeze that's trying to fold the map she's looking at in half. She's wearing jeans, calf-high boots and a jacket over a shirt. She's also got several camera bags and a rucksack. Not to mention a growlithe on a lead who has taken the brief respite as an opportunity to sit down and have a rest.

"Okay, I think we're getting close. Another street or two, maybe. I just wish people'd use signposts in this city," the woman groans with a noticeable Hoennese accent, and looks up, scanning for street names.

Then she spots the building across the street. The large one that says GYM in large letters across the front, and has people going in and out of it. Oh, and signs. Many signs.

She looks down at the growlithe.

"...You knew about that, didn't you?" she says accusingly. "You just let me look like a twit on purpose,"

She sighs, and tugs on the lead as she starts to cross the road. After looking both ways, obviously.

"Come on," she says. "Let's see if we ain't too late for good seats,"