The City Never Sleeps

Welcome to Spiredeep. Through some series of events, unfortunate or otherwise, you've ended up here, a city on the edge of land and sea, older than the coast surrounding it. Opium Dens as common as palaces, Brothels as common as Temples. The homeless and downtrodden stride next to the gentry and nobility, and all walk in the seemingly permanent damp pervading the streets. Humanity is prided there, other races considered lesser and ‘inferior’, only rarely rising to higher class society.

You've been contacted by a Historian and expert on Spiredeep, such as that may be, called Tynnich Symbran, about a recent string of disappearances. Today is the day you're supposed to meet with him.

It's raining, as it usually does in the city. Woodsmoke and pollution intermingle in the air, the smell of thousands of bodies moving simultaneously. Your group walks up the streets of House Oldtower, looking for your contractor, the historian and recluse by the name of Tynnich Symbran, a human originally hailing from Highpeak, having moved here 30 years ago. You reach his house, an old yet sturdy building, as are most of the domiciles in Oldtower, built from Granite and slate. There's a small garden in front of the house, spanning no more than a three feet from the front of his house to the street. Before you can even knock on the door, a series of metallic noises emanates from the door, and it's hastily pulled open. Tynnich stands in the entrance, hunched over and breathing slightly heavily for unknown reasons. The man, if not for his slouch, would be quite tall, standing at a proud six and a half feet, but his ravem colored hair peppered with white and gray, and slightly wrinkled skin betray his age. He smiles in a peculiar manner, and speaks, "Ah! You must be the contractors I hired to help in my studies. Come in, come in! I'll put on a pot of water. Would you like Coffee, Tea, or some other beverage that I probably haven't heard of?"

Before you can respond, he moves back into his house, from what you can see is well-lit and crowded, but organized. The door stands open before you, and it's apparent he's invited you in.