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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mutants and Masterminds 3e; unlimited power?

    Quote Originally Posted by tensai_oni View Post
    Late comment from me, but if you have problems with powergamers then keep one thing in mind.

    Mutants and Masterminds isn't like DnD which has an "if it's RAW, it's legal" approach. M&M doesn't hide that some power/extra combos are absolutely broken and you as a game master are 100% allowed to ban certain powers if they are too powergame-y, even if they're 100% rules-legal. It's a game where players create their characters with the game master's input and if a character is too powerful (or too weak), the game master should point it out and help the player change that.
    Indeed, this system really does bend over backwards to accommodate even the craziest character concepts, such as a character whose body is composed by a swarm of insects and, as such, is invulnerable to all/most physical attacks.

    I'd bet it'd be the perfect system for an adventure in the world of One Piece and all its crazy devil fruit powers.

    But it also places all the final decision-making in the hands of the GM, in couple instances (such as the Variable power), it even explicitly says "yeah it's legal, but don't be a ****, if the GM doesn't want it, don't freaking use it".
    Last edited by Larpus; 2016-08-31 at 10:19 AM.