Quote Originally Posted by Lord View Post
Am I the only one who liked the Warcraft Movie? I thought it was flawed, but far better than Marvel Civil War, which was basically just a slew of pointless action sequences with a badly put together excuse plot. At least Warcraft aspired to be something more, and had some really interesting visuals. Frankly I'd say its the second best movie that has come out all yet. The best being Zootopia.
...And the fact that I am ranking a video game movie as the second best movie of the years speaks very poorly of this years crop. I hope I'm a bit eccentric.

At any rate if they are going to do a D&D movie, they should have a point where the Party goes off the rails. Where instead of following the carefully woven plot thread they just decide to go get drunk at a bar, and kill somebody important. This would spiral into an entirely different plot line where they are on the run from the Guards and trying to get out, and all the while the evil villains plans go forth without a hitch. At some point during this the rogue would die, and the Paladin and the Cleric would get into a brutal fight to the death over who got to steal his stuff. Eventually the surviving main characters get offered a job by the villain, who won offscreen because they were making so much chaos that nobody noticed his operations.
You know, like the sort of thing which actually happens in D&D campaigns.
Just a thought.
I can agree with you that Civil War was disappointing in a number of ways, but I'm not sure I can agree about Warcraft being good. Now, keep in mind that my understanding of the movie comes not from seeing it, but seeing the trailers and hearing about the experience some friends of mine had at the movie; here's the impression I've been given:

"Going in, your expectations are probably low, because it's a magic-fantasy-based video-game movie; you figure, if you turn your brain off, and don't worry about whatever problems it has, maybe the movie will be a 'so bad it's good' movie. Then, as you watch the movie, it shows that there's serious effort going into it, and that people are trying, and that it just might deserve for you to take it seriously...and it raises your expectations just high enough that the movie can once more fail to meet them. This movie was a decent watch, but because it's aiming to be a great video-game movie and ends up coming out just above mediocre, it's not succeeding at its goal; it's too good to judge it by bad movie standards, but it's too bad to meet good movie standards."

I have no idea how accurate this impression is, given that I haven't seen the movie myself, but my friends have generally had good* taste in movies, so I imagine that's how I'd experience it as well.

*: Good movies in this case being "something I'd enjoy", since my friends and I tend to agree on what we thought of most movies (although we disagreed on Guardian Of The Galaxy).