The disorienting instant shift in his perception at the moment of the teleport was nothing new to Grimmgang, having had quite recently plenty of time to experiment with his new boots among many other things. Using the sun, the bonfire and the dragon corpse as fixed points he memorized the general outlay of the camp and wasted no precious seconds on reorienting himself, fully aware of a dangerous enemy merely a dozen feet behind his uncovered back. But for now all that mattered was the foe right in front of him, the central piece he had decided to sweep off the board right in the first move. Much as strategists like to be referred to as chessmasters, it doesn't do their own craft justice - chess never offers you an opportunity to be plain unfair like that.

With blade and hammer surrounding the caster on all sides Grimmgang decided to set him up for a telling blow while delivering one himself, a blow at the ribcage aiming more to shatter than to cut.

Bone Crusher Attack 1 - (1d20+16)[21]
Slashing damage - (1d10+5)[9] + Cold damage - (4d6)[14]
Fort DC 17 or become vulnerable to critical hits