Marek looks at his food for a moment before putting it back in the pot and instead opens his waterskin, sighing. "Questions questions question, I'm practically a tour guide tonight... "


You would not go so far as to swear it, but you get a feeling about this Merik. Perhaps it is a hunch or doubt but you do not feel that you can trust him all that much. Then again the group has antagonized him rather successfully, and you know tired people are easily riled up.


The food is warm, good and solid enough to be filling.

Spoiler: Site
Rappan Athuk is home to no one but the dead. No one who ever went to plunder its depths survived to tell tale of what lies at its deepest bowels. A great number of people have tried, and even more have gone unnoticed between those who were written down. That number, you know, includes an entire army laying siege to it. Finally, you know that it has never been conquered, and through the bloody history of Bazdoria there has yet to be a single ruler who could say they made Rappan Athuk bow.

Spoiler: Crypt
Crypts like these are historically the burial site for or persons of note as there is limited space and not too many people could be fitted in here. Thus you can conclude that this is something of an important place but it is likely too old not to have been ransacked thoroughly enough that nothing of woth remains, since usually the dead have quite decorated graves and things of value are often buried with them. The grisly decorations also tell you these persons were not the best folks, so for all you know they were undead guardians, or worse, and someone cleaned them up at some point.

At hearing so many questions Marek looks at his food for a moment before putting it back in the pot and instead digs out a waterskin for a long drink and, sighing heavily, begins. "Questions questions question, I'm practically a tour guide tonight... But sure.

He first looks to Malise. “I’m staying the night here. I don’t fancy heading in the rain. My gear is good enough but it’s not a Greencloak.” A pause. ”I’m looking for a specific grave here, and checking the other crypt…maybe tomorrow if the weather lets up.”A pause again as he rolls his eyes at the entrance where you spy rain coming down heavily. “Locals in here are mostly undead, obviously,but they focus in the grave clusters… And there is the occasional big monster that crawls out of the dirt. of course. Maybe the occasional rat too. You’re not going to find too many friendlies here, unless you’re really good frends with the undead? I have’t met other kinds."A wry smile breaks on Marek’s face when he considers the question of guides and locals. Yeah, guides will get you here but beyond the edge, you’re hard-pressed to find someone who takes your coin.” And then he snickers. "Colorful? That’s…Well, one way to put it.”

Having answered Malise the man looks to Tamoq and, once his hollow eyes zero in on the engineer, he nods curtly. “Spice is there to give it taste. I don't think you prefer the taste of salt, or socks. Happy to share though, company is rare in these parts..”

That said he looks over to Kalleus. “Accepted. Wasn’t yelling though.” In a more quiet voice he mutters: “You do not want to hear how a Saltwind yells.”