Rose looks at the wanted poster. "She looks like she's gotten herself into some serious trouble. And with the Red Wizards at that! And you want to help her? It looks like she's worth more if we turn her in."

Hilde shakes her head. "Typical. You'd probably kill her for half the amount. I'm with you, uncle. It looks like she's freeing slaves and fighting a dictatorial cabal . . . no offense Azar. I think she looks like she could use a little help.”

“But then what?” Rose interjects. “They won't stop hunting her. We aren't going to defeat the whole Red Wizard organization. So the only thing we might do is raise the bounty on her head . . . which would only be fruitful if we then double crossed her and turned her in for a higher reward.”

"No, she needs help!" Hilde retorts. "We may increase her bounty, but maybe we'll give her a little support and maybe do some good along the way."

"But then where's the reward? If you're hell bent on helping someone, at least get paid for it! How about this village with the cattle deaths? That noble enough for you?"