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Thread: The City Never Sleeps [IC | Invite only]

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The City Never Sleeps [IC | Invite only]


    Tynnich nods, "Mmm, yes, I imagine it would, Sir Aleksejs. The Wells are often found to be quite dangerous. Do be careful there, the ground is unstable in some sections and the district is rife with crime." He pauses, thinking for a second, "Oddly, the Wells appear to be the smallest source of murders, though the most concentrated."

    He turns to Drogo, briefly addressing the massive lizardfolk's concerns in Drogo's tongue "<You would be a deterrent and protection towards any unwanted guests at our investigation. It is imperative to keep ne'erdowells away from these sites to prevent potential contamination. If my hypotheses are correct, there will be more for you to slay later.>"

    Tynnich turns to Rukija, switching to common, "I do not believe any bodies are recent enough to warrant an autopsy that would provide any useful evidence, as the dead rot quickly in Spiredeep. However, I will make sure the coroners and such I am working with know to give you access to a body should one show up."

    Roll Knowledge local for more than basic knowledge on the Wells, Snowy. I can't hand you everything. :P
    Last edited by IZ42; 2016-09-09 at 05:36 PM.
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    See, this wouldn't happen if you were a Zweihander Sentinel Warder with Silver Crane. You'd have a 60 ft. fly speed with good maneuverability, DR and glowing pants as early as level 8.

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