Lady Autumn Elesi Deirma looked over the gathering assemblage. This was to be a trial of the Seasons and yet two did not show. Lady Spring and her personal friend Lilia of Escaye had been "captured" conveniently excusing Lady Spring from attending her trial and sheltering Lilia from the religious unrest in her former kingdom. Now stood before her Lady Blayne, the Lady Spring's Best Friend here to stand in her place and protest that Lady Spring had not stolen the Winter Court's portion of the Rose Throne. This gave Elesi inspiration that she could destroy the Spring Court's standing but to match such elation was the other absence. Lord Summer had arrived nearly a month behind the arrival of Lord Winter and Lady Blayne and he was not who she had expected to see. The foolish Maelog halfblood had run off to fight his memories rather than embrace his future and the memories had consumed him. His brother must have killed him for it was his elder brother who had arrived in Caer Hydref heralded as Lord Summer. Sabel had assured her Maelog would go along with their plans and satisfy the desires of the Summer Court, without his presence the imperious support of the Summer Aeldir grew tenuous. If the Rose Contract was to be broken Elesi wanted at least one other Court's support.

Lord Winter had arrived personally and despite her desire that the eldest Aeldir would to ensure the trial's legitimacy his deathly presence quietly made her wish he had stayed away. She knew him as a master schemer vying constantly to maintain the status quo. Why wouldn't he? For all intents and purposes the Winter Court sat supreme above the other Courts within the Rose Contract. The Words of the Olds Gods turned Aeldir minds to the reverence of the northern court as a repository of great secrets. Elesi had been shocked the Words were allowed to be restored in the Rose Contract and had long debated for their banishment. When she had spoken of restoring the Autumn Court to prominence she had gained momentum among her Court but she still carried her desire to see the Words banished.

She took a breath as the assembly died down and the accused stood before her. To her left the new Lord Summer was provided a simple throne at an equal level as her own simple throne above those of the Spring and Winter Courts. She stood firmly, hands crossed behind her as she spoke,

"Lord Winter of the Winter Court and Lady Spring of the Spring Court are summoned here before the Autumn Court as Keepers of the Law to face trial for perceived breaches of this Age's most sacred law, the Rose Contract. As the accused are a Lord and Lady of the Seasonal Courts it is only appropriate that they be judged by their singular peers, Lady Autumn and Lord Summer."

"Lord Winter, you stand accused of the murder of Lord Summer Turien Drustan. Lady Spring, represented today by Best Friend Lady Blayne, stands accused of treason against her own word in the theft of the Winter Court's portion of the Rose Throne. How do you plead?"