While Bear Ghost hails from a berserker-warrior tribe, Titania hails from a tribe far to the north, within the fabled Doom Blizzard Peaks. An allied tribe to Bear Ghost’s in the past, Titania’s tribe was overrun and conquered when the giants came. Inspired by the aspiring dragon god known only as Chromaticus, they conquered Bear Ghost’s tribe first and then the surrounding tribes as well. Titania was sole daughter to the chieftain and heir to his legacy. She has made it her duty her entire life to defend her people. Powerless against the giants, orcs, and humans comprising the newly grown tribes, Titania was taken as a slave, but also a reminder of what is to become of those who would stand against Numvulk, the troll who rose to leadership and became the new chieftain of the lands.

Titania’s tribe was very close to nature. While also warriors at heart, they shared a special kinship with beasts of the land. The mountain lion was their primary totem animal, and Titania’s companion, Leandro, is a symbol of that bond.

When all was thought to be lost, Bear Ghost returned. Titania had heard of him, having too been the progeny of the chieftain of his tribe, but had never seen him. Though a half-orc, Titania was rather impressed, both with Bear Ghost’s strength and courage. He challenged the chieftain to single combat, for the tribe, in order to return his people to their former glory and to honor the mighty Kord instead of this false Chromaticus, but the combat rules had been violated and Bear Ghost and his companions were shunned by the people. Bear Ghost returned alone to challenge the chieftain once again, only to discovery that he had already been challenged by an unsuspecting elf. The elf, however, revealed himself to be the great wyrm, Garyxkilla (I finally gave the green dragon a name, inspire by Gary Gygax)! The green dragon defeated the troll Numvulk with relative ease (he did leave him alive, however), and locked eyes with Bear Ghost, as if to make it a point for him to know that Bear Ghost’s tribe was now his. He decreed that Tiamat would now be of primary worship and that appropriate sacrifices and tributes wuld then have to be made in her vile name. Before the feasting and ceremonies could commence, Bear Ghost called out to Garyxkilla. While not in line with the customs of the tribe, as the chieftain is not to be challenged but once a week and a new chieftain is granted until the next new moon to be challenged (roughly a month), the green dragon accepted the challenge, finally aiming to put Bear Ghost out of his misery.

This would not be however, for the gods had something different in store for Bear Ghost. The combat arena is a holy circle void of magic, where only might and skill prevail. A storm loomed, however, nspiring great strength in Bear Ghost. Garyxkilla first gained the upper hand, but was eventually overpowered by the might half-orc. Then lightning struck Bear Ghost’s axe, enchanting and transforming it. With his new found power, Bear Ghost defeated the mighty Garyxkilla. The tribe rejoiced. Well, all but the giants, a handful of orcs and humans, and the former chieftain Numvulk and his entourage, who left quietly when the results had been revealed.

Bear Ghost claimed his tribe in the name of Kord, freed Titania, and now seeks to further seek glory in battle.

But terrible dreams haunt both Titania and Bear Ghost. For all that Titania sees in Bear Ghost’s potential, she also sees death. Not his, but those around him, for as a frenzied warrior, Bear Ghost knows death all too well. He means to do well with his gifts, but Titania has grown to fear what the future has in store for him.

Bear Ghost’s visions are equally dreadful. He sees the rise of the undead and the ever expanding cities of man conquering the wylds. He sees his people, and others who choose to follow him, look to him for leadership. To secure their destiny and protect their way of life. The visions are often times gruesome, with spilled blood of the fallen. Sometimes the spilled blood of the innocents. Bear Ghost has started to worry because he slowly has grown indifferent to these dreams. Almost as if he enjoys the slaughter…

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