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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Magic the Gathering XXII: Where Puns Go to Die

    Quote Originally Posted by Fable Wright View Post
    Not really, no. Aggro in modern is dealing with Burn, Burning Zoo, Death's Shadow Zoo, Merfolk, and Affinity. Burn doesn't care about your creatures and just domes you. Burning Zoo tramples over with Ghor-Clan Rampager, Death's Shadow gets you with Temur Battle-Rage, Merfolk largely ignores you, and Affinity will devastate you in a game of attrition. I have strong doubts that you would ever manage to resolve a Planar Cleansing against a Modern aggro deck, though by fluke it's possible that you might wind up casting Death Pits once or twice.
    To answer both in one the diabolic revelation+elixir of immortality combo. Planar cleansing is in case of a board state that causes something near a stall because I can then recover with the aforementioned combo.

    The key word here is: Inexpensive.

    What deck (or at least some cards) would you recommend that includes black as a color to deal with those things while being inexpensive?
    Last edited by gooddragon1; 2016-09-17 at 07:41 PM.
    There is no emotion more useless in life than hate.