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Thread: A Tale of Okeanos [IC]

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    Titan in the Playground

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    Apr 2007

    Default Re: A Tale of Okeanos [IC]

    The Cove (Dian, Riarde, the Keeper)

    About to lead Dian and Riarde inside, Azure Wisdom pauses as she sees Laughing Gull's boat entering the inlet, with an apologetic glance at her two visitors. She waits until the fisherman and his passenger disembark, and nods politely in acknowledgement of the Keeper's bow and words. Her body language has shifted; more regal, her previous uncertainty well-concealed.

    "You are welcome to my temple, sir. What brings you here?" She turns her hand toward the other two men. "I have two guests at present - if you have a simple question or other such brief request, I can speak with you now, or if your business does not require privacy, we can speak while my guests refresh themselves. But else I must ask you to wait, or return at a later time."


    At the name Akeakamai, the dog-creatures' ears prick up. One begins swimming eastward; the other circles closer to Valos as if to herd her in the same direction, making small yipping noises.

    The name the Lunar has been trying to remember finally comes to mind: brine curs. Water elementals, they often serve in the courts of ocean-spirits of various ranks; they are intensely loyal to and protective of their masters, much like the true dogs they resemble. They understand Old Realm to a limited degree, but cannot speak - their minds are closer to those of very-intelligent dogs than to humans. They prefer the upper waters, and so do not regularly serve in Zhuzhiao's domain, but she has seen them from a distance in the company of visiting spirits.

    Ye Thuza

    Shi Mi makes his way down the gangplank and into the town, heading toward the large house. When he comes closer, he can see that its construction is of wooden logs, with many large open windows to admit the breeze. A stylized lobster is painted in bright blue above the wide-framed doorway. The garden surrounding the house is bright with flowers in carefully arranged beds.

    A young man, little more than a boy, is leaning against the wall beside the doorway. He is wearing a black-stained buff jacket decorated with coral beads, has a spear held loosely in one hand, and looks both very bored and very overheated.

    At Shi Mi's approach, he straightens up, clears his throat, and declares, "Elder Gliding Manta holds audiences in the afternoon on Venusday." This self-assured speech is somewhat diminished by his nervous swallow as he takes in the visitor's garb and appearance.
    Last edited by Ifni; 2016-09-23 at 07:23 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by The_Snark View Post
    I must not argue on the Internet.
    Internet argument is the mind-killer.
    It is the little death that brings total aggravation.
    I will face my annoyance.
    I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
    When it has gone past I will turn my inner eye to see its path.
    Where the irritation has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.