The Elder's House

Gliding Manta's frown fades away, as he studies Ye Thuza more closely. "I see. Indeed. Well, the Immaculates of the Realm are always very welcome here, of course."

He gestures past Ye Thuza, toward one of the ridges that rises up from the town. "You know, of course, that there are members of your order already present here - Honored Kiro, who has dwelled here for many years, and Honored Sarathi, who has only recently graced us with her presence, but has already won many friends. Perhaps you might begin by consulting with them?"

The Ring Atoll

As Valos draws closer to the coral cliff, she sees a gap in the reef beneath the surface; the brine curs seem to be steering directly for it. She goes through in a tumble of dogs and sea-foam, the curs pressing close against her; she feels a momentary disorientation, and then she is somewhere... different.

The lagoon is broad, far larger than it appeared from outside, and the water is shallow and warm - almost too warm, after the cold and pressure of the Deep Trenches. There are fish here, darting around the coral, and other small sea-creatures - clams and urchins and starfish, anemones and sea-cucumbers. The sand on the bottom of the lagoon is brilliantly white. Several small islands rise up from the surface; the largest holds a bone-white pavilion, built from dead coral.

More of the brine curs are paddling in the lagoon; they are mostly clustered just ahead of her, but seem to be moving apart, as if whatever had caught their interest is no longer quite so compelling. At Valos' entrance, kelp-green ears perk up and several of them begin swimming in her direction, exchanging yips and barks with her canine companions.

Beyond the mass of waving tails and kelp-fur and claws, however, Valos can see that flash of silver again - and then the silvered being turns, and Valos sees her human torso and long scaled dragon-tail, and the gleaming tattoos that mark her body, and she knows what she is looking at. If not who, at least at first glance.

Assuming that you want to go in here; if you don't, just let me know in the OOC and I'll rewrite.

If you do go in, Valos and Blue can now talk to each other.