Quote Originally Posted by Burnscar View Post
Riven strikes the sunrod against the wall, and it ignites with a hiss and a flash. You're standing in what appears to be the southern end of 35ft. wide corridor, running north and disappearing beyond the edge of Riven's light. The sourthern wall is of the same white seamless stone as the previous room, while the rest of the complex, the floor, walls and cieling, is tiled in grey. The ceiling sits merely fifteen feet off the floor, which, coupled with the otherwise spacious dimensions of the room, makes it seem cramped, yet dwarfing you in scale at the same time.

More interesting is the two doors on the opposing wall. One sits five feet north of the southern wall, while another is thirty feet north. This door is made from a single piece of stone, with an iron ring for a handle, just like the other one, but it has an intricately carved doorframe, with beautiful runes arranged in pleasant, flowing patterns.

Behind you sits the same white pane you passed through, with the steel door partially poking through.

Spoiler: Barack
You can see further, and can tell that the western wall of this room falls away some 80ft. to the north of you. The corridor is probably an inverse L shape. You see no more doors in the corridor than the two mentioned above.

Spoiler: Listen DC 18
There's multiple creatures north of you. You can tell by the sound of their breathing.
Spoiler: Barack
They're beyond the edge of your darkvision.

Spoiler: OOC
Sunrods give 30ft. of light, and 60ft. of shadowy light.
Listen Check: [roll0] Well, I can't hear anything.
One of these days my ears will work.