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Thread: Diablo III:3 Kanai Fix It?

  1. - Top - End - #456
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Re: Diablo III:3 Kanai Fix It?

    Arachyr is part of the "Angry Chicken God" build.

    Vyr is fun but it's terrible in groups since it needs to play at its own pace. It's also really, really gear dependent. Granted, all you need for stuff to really start exploding is the Chantodo's main/offhand. (Also, it's been quite a while since I played on my Vyr wizard, things may have gotten better... or t11-t13 existing may mean things take longer to kill, so Vyr's has time to get its hits in and reset archon in groups)
    Last edited by Icewraith; 2016-10-17 at 01:28 PM.
    This signature is no longer incredibly out of date, but it is still irrelevant.