Quote Originally Posted by Icewraith View Post
Not really... since Vyr spends so much time in melee it's hard to go with anything other than Halo of Arlyse + Ancient Parthan Defenders, if you can get them to drop. Your other ring slot is taken by the unavoidable CoE, your cubed weapon is Furnace, if you don't have one yet you're probably making do with Fulminator or In-geom if you also don't have an OROTZ yet. The Amulet is the usual Hellfire or elemental immunity (usually Mara's since it negates three different ground effects, several annoying RGs, and wasps) question.

The 2 item set weapons aren't usually that hard to get, I agree, they're class specific and thus pretty easy to cube.
Wrists: for pushing, Parthans isn't your only option, Blood Bracer works too. For Speed farming you can also go with a Nemesis. And the build still feels the same with even a Lacuni or something while you wait to get one of those two, you'll just be too squishy for the top end, but it's not like the build itself plays differently.

Rings: Halo + CoE + Hellfire works, but it's not the only option either. Unity + Endless Walk is solid too, and as you yourself mentioned elemental immunity amulets work here too. You could even do RRoG + Aquila for your DR (since Archon has infinite resource), though personally I wouldn't unless I got a really good one.