"The entrance is not in the inn at all. The back door of the building the inn is in leads down into what looks like a plain old cellar. A crawlspace leads to the secret passage," Claudia sounds vaguely annoyed, like she's having to explain something obvious to a child. "This is time sensitive, so I don't got time to case exact numbers. It can't be much, they're trying to lay low. I've got fifteen people with me. Should be enough to keep the footmen busy."

"I doubt the prisoners;d be here, the risk of being caught would be stupid. What we wanna do is to capture the one in charge," the Calistrian runs a hand along the hair at the side of her head and sighs, some nervousness showing through her irritation. "I found a clue at Fortuna's place. They're not just prisoners, they're sacrifices."