Quote Originally Posted by Icewraith View Post
I thought breaths and (relevant) gems start dropping either way after 60? That's usually when I do a group bounty or two, get enough mats to at least fill up the cube slots until I find build-relevant stuff. Last I checked the optimal leveling difficulty was Hard. About how many cube mats (the act specific ones) do you usually have when you hit 70?
I level on Master; Hard is a bit too dull. I think Hard is faster if you can rack up big enough killstreak multipliers though.

As for how many mats I have when I hit 70 - I honestly have no idea, does anyone even track that? "More than I'd have if I rifted to level instead and finished with zero" is probably the only count I can give you

Quote Originally Posted by Icewraith View Post
Also, are you split farming or solo farming bounties when you level? I don't feel like you get enough stuff to do well soloing bounties in a 4 player split run... unless you're on Normal?
I like leveling solo. I might give split leveling a try in S8 though, or roll with some friends who are interested in getting back into D3.

Not sure what you mean by "get enough stuff" - the rewards are individual whether you are solo or split-running, the only difference is that split clears are obviously faster (if you can get groups together.)