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Thread: Diablo III:3 Kanai Fix It?

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    Spamalot in the Playground
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    Default Re: Diablo III:3 Kanai Fix It?

    Quote Originally Posted by Icewraith View Post
    Enough good drops to clear efficiently in a 4 person split bounty game and no follower.

    As far as the "how many mats" do you have when you hit 70" - that would give me an idea of what the potential upside is to leveling through bounties instead of rifts. I'm not looking for exact numbers, more of a general idea. Do you have ~20 sets of act-specific bounty mats? ~80? ~200? ~5? Enough to make a full Sage's set when you hit 70? Enough to make a full ancient Sage's set when you hit 70?
    You'll have enough to make several of each Sage piece. They only cost 2 mats each after all (each from a different act.)

    I don't mean to imply that rifting is a bad way to level, because it's not. Rather, it's inconsistent (you might get a rift full of hard monsters like Lacuni or Anarchs) that also has poor density, or you might walk into a zombie rfit and start wrecking face. But to me, Rifts can also be pretty dull (all rifts have the same general objective.) I prefer the variety in bounties personally.

    Another big difference is that you can't get killstreaks in rifts. You can in bounties, particularly dense areas like Halls of Agony and cursed chest events.
    Last edited by Psyren; 2016-10-20 at 05:07 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    But really, the important lesson here is this: Rather than making assumptions that don't fit with the text and then complaining about the text being wrong, why not just choose different assumptions that DO fit with the text?
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