Quote Originally Posted by Olinser View Post
I mean that will make him safer in lane, but a tear-hexdrinker means his early game is going to be even weaker than it already was, I feel like he's just going to be giving up way too much to a competent AP mid laner before he really gets on line.

And of course with new Zed you just straight up can't pick Varus mid first.
That's the main issue with Varus currently... however, I could totally see Riot adjust a couple numbers and make Varus an AP (or Hybrid) Marksman. Then he could be a halfway-decent counter to Zed, as there wouldn't be much AD to steal, and rushing Seekers into Hourglass (Didn't someone do that during the LCS as item 6 instead of GA anyway?)

I never played much Varus, but as he stands now, I wonder if rushing Essence Reaver or Hextech GLP would be better-suited than Tear...