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Thread: Strong Female Protagonist II

  1. - Top - End - #535
    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    On the tip of my tongue

    Default Re: Strong Female Protagonist II

    You're annoyed that Feral is tearing up because one of her friends somehow arranged for an unprecedented procedure to try to alleviate her extraordinary suffering?

    Yes, the suffering was voluntary, and yes, she might still go back under the knife voluntarily depending on what exactly happened (it's not inconceivable that the change has led to circumstances where Feral's further direct participation would have a negligible effect, and the exponential situation you postulated is actually one of those circumstances)...but it isn't at all hard to see why she might be emotional about it.
    Last edited by Lethologica; 2016-10-21 at 05:58 PM.