Quote Originally Posted by Sporeegg View Post
Secondly you can always reroll. I know it is annoying but any player in Legion should have a Lv 100 alt (due to the free 100 boost). Even if you do not (because say you used your 100 on the same class for another realm/faction) levelling a second character is preferrable to suffering through a character for what could be 1-2 years.
Presenting rerolling as an option to adapt to poorly designed classes is a TERRIBLE work-around. For many players, they've got a great deal of effort and personal investment caught up in their main character. Also, it just plain sidesteps the issue that talents are supposed to be CHOICES, and presenting one option which clearly outshines the others renders it into a non-choice: You can take the good talent, or you can be mediocre. Face it, S2M is crummy, poorly thought-out design. Sure, it's got great flavor, but I believe that, now as ever, gameplay trumps fluff every day of the week.