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    Halfling in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Default Re: Let's make a setting! ( A Superhero City )

    Papa Doc
    The Enigmatic manservant of Copperhead, you wouldn't expect this geriatric Cajun to be of any threat, and indeed he isn't. At least, not today. In the days of Papa's youth, he was one of the greatest practitioners of voodoo this side of the Mississippi, with magical machinations to rival Dr. Grave. He retired after a debilitating strike from Nightwatch left him bereft of most of his connections with the Loa, leaving only a modicum of healing magic, which he uses to tend to his master.

    Wanda Moreu
    A real estate mogul, Wanda is singlehandedly keeping Brycen Alley out of Blackwell's clutches. Appearing to be the most upright of The Silver Legion's Alumni, Wand grew up in Brycen, believing its oppressive environment to be the prime factor for her turning out the way she did. This nostalgia, and a twisted sense of "tough love", make sure she keeps full ownership of the alley. As an unfortunate side effect, this game of "keep-away" only fuels the Legion's unquenchable thirst for dominion over the rest of Zephyr.

    Pixel Girl
    By day, she's Molly Lucas, just a normal girl with a normal life. And one sweet -- if overly pink and way too advanced for its time -- NES Powerglove. But when trouble arises, she calls upon the power of the Pixel, and her glove transforms her into Pixel Girl! Using her super strength and Pixel Constructs, she takes the fight to the bad guys, defending Zephyr alongside Meteor, The Magician, and the rest of the Bastion of Justice.
    Last edited by NerdwithaPencil; 2016-10-25 at 12:32 PM.