
This is the very reason abominations like this must be destroyed, Taliesn thinks, as the foul magics wash over him, staining his very soul. I don't know how much more of this we can endure. He tries to glimpse how the others are doing before attacking yet again.
While we're on the subject of looking around, a quick spot-check to see if there's anything else noteworthy about the chamber since our previous visit: it's been too long since I put my Quick Reconnoiter abilities to good use: Spot - (1d20+12)[19]
Claw - (1d20+15)[18] damage - (2d6+9)[16]
Claw - (1d20+15)[25] damage - (2d6+9)[18]
Claw - (1d20+15)[34] damage - (2d6+9)[15]
Claw - (1d20+15)[18] damage - (2d6+9)[17]

At the end of all that, I'll swift action shift 2 essentia into Astral Vambraces: do the demon's attacks penetrate DR /magic? (So far, I've assumed no; if they do, I need to subtract another 2 HP for its melee attack.)