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Thread: RWBY VIII: Well, THAT escalated quickly

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: RWBY VIII: Well, THAT escalated quickly

    Quote Originally Posted by Forum Explorer View Post
    Spoiler: V4C1
    I see what you mean. Yeah, I agree with you there. Or have it be Mercury, Emerald, and Neo, and let Tyrion commit atrocities in the background where he can actually commit atrocities.

    Bah and humbug! Gender does not need to be restricted to two solo binary roles! The dudes can be female, the bride a male and yadda yadda yadda. And clearly the rainbow thingy is a callout to the LGBT community and a hint to the Maiden's unorthodox gender. It's also why team evil can't find the Spring Maiden, they aren't looking at the right people. (Actually what Rainbow Thingy? I can't remember one, but someone mentioned it. Also I would laugh pretty hard if I was actually right.)
    Spoiler: V4C1
    If this is what they meant by having a trans character in show, it better be mtf and not ftm because if it's the latter that's SUPER ****ING TONE DEAF. Let's assume this random ass farmer is the Spring Maiden. If they are just a girl who looks like a boy, that's fine. If they're a boy, that breaks all canon. If they're a trans girl, ie mtf, then that's fine, she's a girl in her soul so the Maiden power can go to her. Still looks like a boy so that's weird but whatever. If they're ftm, and is te Spring Maiden, because "she's really a girl" then we should set fire to Roosterteeth's office building because that's horribly offensive.

    The farmer's overalls had a rainbowish/RWBYish coloured handerchief sticking out of it.
    Last edited by LaZodiac; 2016-10-29 at 02:50 PM.