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Thread: Ashourina! (In Character)

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    Firbolg in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Where i'm not, not.

    Default Re: Ashourina! (In Character)

    The fortress shakes, a few windows break, but the fortress is well built, made to withstand even the strongest arctic storms, and weathers your assault generally intact. From the inside of the fortress you hear a loud hiss.

    The wraith flies out of the fortress, invisible (but due to your true seeing, it doesn't matter) hands outstretched like claws, grasping at your life-force.

    Incorporeal touch 1: (1d20+49)[51]
    (2d6+33)[41] and (3d6)[8] cold damage and a DC 47 fortitude save or take (1d8)[2] Con drain.

    Incorporeal touch 2: (1d20+49)[58]
    (2d6+33)[42] and (3d6)[10] cold damage and a DC 47 fortitude save or take (1d8)[7] Con drain.

    Incorporeal touch 3: (1d20+49)[68]
    (2d6+33)[41] and (3d6)[14] cold damage and a DC 47 fortitude save or take (1d8)[7] Con drain.

    Incorporeal touches ignore DR.

    It then turns around and phases back through the fortress walls.
    Last edited by rweird; 2016-10-30 at 09:57 AM.