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Thread: Ashourina! (In Character)

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    Firbolg in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Where i'm not, not.

    Default Re: Ashourina! (In Character)

    The wraith returns once more with its scythe, you step forwards and slash, striking true, although the wraith retreats out of range again before you can strike a second time (evasive reflexes+Rolibar's gambit). The scythe comes for a third time at your heart, and then the wraith strikes at your head with the reverse end, before fading once more into the walls).

    "Scythe" incorporeal touch: (1d20+49)[53]
    Concentration check (DC=your AC, probably automatic success): (1d20+71)[77]
    Damage: (8d6+184)[211] and (3d6)[10] cold damage. DC 47 fortitude save or take (1d8)[7] con drain.

    "Hilt" incorporeal touch: (1d20+49)[63]
    damage: (2d6+33)[41]
    This also does d8 con drain if you fail a DC 47 fortitude save. I forgot to add it in here, although as you have a 95% chance of passing, just roll the save, and I'll roll the damage if you fail.

    Both attacks ignore DR.
    Last edited by rweird; 2016-10-30 at 09:05 PM.