
"As I mention to your wonderful wife, We are here primarily to quell the bandit menace that has cropped up in the area. To do this, we will be doing the tedious task of mapping the region. Don't want any pesky threats slipping though to harass the main road or anything. You get to many bandits, they form unions, and then everyone looses." and wolfs down some of the stew, "Delicious. Ah, but as I was saying about the bandits, it is a stroke of luck they are coming here. I almost expected to have to track them down to get information out of them."

Zeek then looks around a bit, "Hjorvar, we will want to rig up a counter weight to close the doors once they come in to collect. I would like to take as many alive as possible, for questioning." munching on a bit more bread. "Bleakbog, Faux, I want you guy to use your talents to take them out as you see fit. Racaena and Rembrand, if you take positions in the stables, you can come out swinging. Mama Ru, I would say stating in the stables as well might be a good. Hjorvar, Up by one of the catapults, near one of the broken stairs, will give you the height and view to best use your skills. I'll trigger the doors to close keeping them from running." and looking up to Oleg, "The two of you should run and hide once the jig is up. If we fail, it will give you an excuse that we forced you to cooperate."