Half-Orc ; A few words; Savage Attacks. Relentless Endurance. Those alone are incredibly powerful abilities, but they do wonders for a blood hunter. Why? Because Savage Attacks applies to your rite die as well. And while this works better for strength builds, the race features are worth a glance alone.
Why would Savage Criticals apply to Crimson Rite damage die? Savage Critical specifies that it's weapon damage.

Would you add another die to a Paladin smite?

Anyway, crimson rite is pretty much the best DPS ability in the game, I don't think you need to add another die to Crimson Rite (adding one to the weapon damage is fine though)

I mean, I play a half orc blood hunter, ghost slayer (or whatever that one is called) with crossbow expert... I feel bad for my teammates sometimes, dealing like 40 damage a turn. It's really not fair & I don't need an extra crimson rite die when I crit.