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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: KILL SIX BILLION DEMONS: Beginnings are false and I am a consummate liar.

    Anyone else instantly think back to Haley in 752 "Picking Locks."

    Pre-Preem Nand looks both the same (his Mask) and different (his body). I recall from the QAtumbler/Wiki that he's a possessed Androsphinx in the present. His flashback devil-form seems thoughtful.

    Devil court looks sweet. I need more Himself and the council of 13.

    I disagree with Abbadon's apology on overindulging in backstory. Bring it.
    Last edited by Tom Tearcamel; 2016-11-19 at 12:01 PM.