Quote Originally Posted by Nettlekid View Post
Remarking on recent Tumblr asks, this one says that the consciousness of a Devil lies in the mask and slightly in the name. The black flame that makes up their body doesn't have a consciousness of its own. What...does that mean for Vladok? Princess is speaking as though she was Vladok transformed into a Blue Devil, and right after her transformation the other devil-binders remarked that Princess would remember a little of what happened in time. But if the mask holds the identity of the Devil then shouldn't Vladok be gone entirely, and the identity of the poor Red Devil that Allison stole the mask from be the one in Princess now? And for that matter, what ever happened to the Red Devil whose mask was taken off?
I think Princess is intentionally exaggerating her connection to Vladok. After all, what she is right now is extremely embarrassing; if I were her, I'd be all "I AM VLADOK, THE MIGHTY! I am just indisposed at the moment." But I doubt she actually has many memories or connections to Vladok at all, and much of what she does have is probably false - more her fantasies about being a reincarnated superdemon than anything concrete. She's like a middle-schooler who has convinced themselves that they're the reincarnation of Genghis Khan, but with the added incentive that there's a grain of truth to it.

Whereas since Cio's husband reassembled her mask, she's actually the same person, albeit probably with a lot lost due to the damage she took. She has most of her memories, and retains her skills if not her raw power.

The most surprising thing for me here is that her husband saved her (which can't have been easy.) I'd expected that he betrayed her. I guess he does care about her, despite being pretty awful? It does make me wonder why he's hunting her now. Maybe he cares more about his image and authority, which depend on being married to her?