Hearing Azrin cry out, Edmund pushes past Orville and heads back for the doll room. "Move up and help River and Olivin! Target their spellcasters if you can!"

He overtakes the hobo and finds himself next to Azrin.

Spoiler: If the croc is asleep...
Edmund stands over the prone form of the beast and casts another spell. There are no obvious effects this time, but he seems to carry his shield and armor more easily than before.

Spoiler: OOC
If it is asleep I don't want to wake it up again straight away. Better to spend the standard action casting and line up the coup de grace for next round.

Ed casts Bull's Strength on himself.

Spoiler: If the croc is still awake...
Finding Azrin caught in the jaws of the beast, Edmund draws Orcsbane in his right hand and steps up to strike. He brings the heavy weapon crashing down on the creature's head, aiming for the ridges protecting its beady yellow eyes.

Spoiler: OOC
Seeing Azrin in trouble, Ed draws his warhammer in his right hand (shield still in left) and attacks with Power Attack:

Attack: (1d20+11)[27]
Damage: (1d8+11)[15]